If you make intensive use of your computer it is very likely that at that very moment you will have a large number of duplicate files. It's a good idea to get rid of them, thereby lightening the overall operating system by freeing up space on your hard drive.
Duplicate Cleaner is a powerful tool with which you can remove any duplicate files. This task becomes very simple thanks to its intuitive interface. So all you have to do is select the directory from which you want to delete the files and in a matter of minutes the program will give you a complete list of all the files it has managed to find. Then you must click on the "Delete Files" button to proceed to the corresponding deletion.
Most of the files that Duplicate Cleaner finds are DLL, programs that by mistake or negligence have been installed on more than one occasion and temporary files. In the program's menus you can define numerous customizable parameters, such as the order in which the cleaning will be carried out or the filter that will be applied to find the duplicate files.
The results you obtain can be duly exported to CSV.
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